

Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner


Adarshini is a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner and a Medical Anthropologist.

Since 2009, she has had an extensive career in social and health development and research; working for universities, NGOs and international development agencies and most recently working as a consultant in the COVID-19 Emergency Response for the World Health Organization.

She was always interested in alternative approaches to health and wellbeing and particularly to shamanism during her studies in medical anthropology. In 2020, her own spiritual quest and pull towards Shamanism came together when she answered her call to take her shamanic initiations and become a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner.

Shamanic Energy Medicine is based on the basic scientific principle that everything is energy. We have a Luminous Energy Field that surrounds our physical body and informs our physical, emotional, mental states through our energy centres (chakras). Everything we experience in life, including unpleasant life experiences as well as ancestral and past life traumas, are energetically stored in our Luminous Energy Field. These heavy energies can consequently manifest as diseases and illnesses, incidents/accidents, unhealthy behaviours and relationships patterns and experiences that mimic the initial trauma.

Shamanic Energy Medicine consists of cleansing and upgrading the luminous energy field. Each session is adapted to the needs of the client and several techniques can be used such as:

  • De-coupling (resetting the flight/flight system / stress system)
  • Illumination of chakras
  • Removing intrusive energies from the energetic field
  • Cutting of energetic cords
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Ancestral constellations
  • Destiny Retrieval

What Adarshini offers is rooted in a holistic approach and also includes modern science cutting-edge practices in nutrition and neuroscience and lifestyle changes and practices to support the energetic shifts. With Shamanic Energy Medicine, one can experience healing on a physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual level; claim the full potential of their health and wellbeing and live a fulfilled life of purpose.


  • BSc in Medical Anthropology
  • MSc in Medical Anthropology
  • Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine Certificate
  • Munay-Ki Practitioner Certificate
  • Diploma in Performing Arts (Kathak)

Work Days:

Thursday2:00 PM – 6:00 PM


Abuse TraumasStress & Depression
AddictionsUnhealthy Behavioural & Relationship Patterns
Ancestral Patterns & Traumas / ConstellationsEmotional & Energetic Roots of Chronic Pain, Illness & Disease
Childhood TraumasReconnection to your Full Potential & Life Purpose
Past Life Traumas



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